If you had too much position before, you can reduce it appropriately now and do some defense appropriately. You can also do something when the market crashes next time, so you won’t cry and say that the bull market is gone every day.

At the same time, I reiterate that even if you are bearish in the bull market, don’t go short, otherwise you will die miserably sooner or later.

Re-edited on the morning of May 14:

I saw that many people chased Animal Coin after seeing the sharp rise last night.

There are also people saying that the big cake has reversed and is going to hit 70,000.

What I want to say is that the funds in the market are obviously insufficient at this stage, and many large funds are waiting and watching. As a retail investor, even if you want to get ahead, you should at least have a strategy.

The safest way is to have a short position. In the falling market, you can have the opportunity to cover your position, so you should reduce your position when you need to, instead of blindly chasing high. Of course, if you are a gambling player, you can do whatever you want.