As expected of Comrade Chuan Jianguo, he is so good at everything!!!

Trump recently announced that if re-elected, he would vigorously pursue tax cuts, especially targeting the middle class, lower class and business class. The move is undoubtedly a boon for the cryptocurrency industry and stands in stark contrast to President Biden’s tax increase proposals.

The Trump campaign plans to lower the top capital gains tax rate to 15%, bringing significant benefits to cryptocurrency investors and traders. If this policy is implemented, it will further stimulate the vitality of the cryptocurrency market.

Although previous tax bills did not explicitly address cryptocurrencies, some lawyers believe capital gains taxes may still apply to crypto assets. However, Trump’s tax cuts promise to reduce the capital gains tax burden on cryptocurrency traders and investors.

Trump’s attitude toward cryptocurrencies has gradually shifted, from initial skepticism to now support. His commitment to allowing cryptocurrency businesses to operate in the United States and accepting cryptocurrency donations shows his importance and recognition of the cryptocurrency industry.

Trump’s promise of tax cuts and support for cryptocurrencies have given the industry new hope. If he is re-elected, the cryptocurrency market is expected to usher in more prosperous development.

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