#PEPE #Meme币你看好哪一个?

After the short-term pull of Bitcoin, the meme sector began to move abnormally, with pepe leading the rise, followed by shib, and other memes are also pumping. Do I need to say more about pepe?

The current price has recovered the decline of the big drop and started to move towards the high point! Part of the reason for this rise is that a large number of whales began to hoard pepe coins around 008, triggering a chain reaction. At the same time, Wall Street also added the six major token meme indexes (including pepe) to the meme sector.

After the daily level trend broke through the rising flag pattern, the test retracement began to rise all the way. What needs to be observed now is whether the previous high position can be broken!

Another thing to note is the AI ​​sector. After pepe pulls up, the sector rotation will come to the AI ​​sector!