
Female fan talks about losing money in the cryptocurrency circle, "heartbroken" and "working hard" !

In the ocean of digital currency, I once invested with great anticipation, but in the end I reaped endless regrets. An investment of 100,000 yuan is undoubtedly a heavy burden for a young man who has just graduated. For you capitalists, you may have enough to buy a luxury item. Whenever I think of that money, my heart is like being cut by a knife, and the pain is unbearable.

I was attracted by the so-called "high returns" and was deceived by the sweet words that promised to "double". On impulse, I borrowed money and plunged into this circle that seemed full of opportunities. However, the reality is cruel. My money was cheated away step by step, and I seemed to be involved in a well-designed scam.

Those so-called "mentors" and "experts" were under the banner of "protecting me", but they were just to deceive my trust and let me relax my vigilance. Their words were full of sweet words, which made me mistakenly think that they were my saviors and could lead me out of trouble. However, when I really handed the money to them, they disappeared, leaving me with only There is endless regret and pain.

My experience of being cheated made me deeply aware of my naivety and ignorance. I mistook feelings for transactions and trust for bets. I regret why I didn't keep a clear mind and why I didn't recognize the true face of those people. I hate myself even more why I am always deceived by men's sweet words and fall into such traps again and again.

Now, I have listed the names of those who deceived me on a list. Whenever I can't control myself and want to pursue love, I will look at the list and remind myself over and over again: I can't be deceived by men's sweet words anymore, and I can't let my feelings become someone else's plaything.

I know that the road ahead is still long, and I can't give up on myself because of this failure. I will take this experience as a lesson, always reminding myself to keep a clear mind and not easily believe in other people's promises. I will use my own hands to create my own future and no longer be deceived by other people's sweet words.

If you are unsure about the current market situation, you can follow me, click on my profile, look at my information, and find me. My many years of experience in cryptocurrency trading may be helpful to you.