This week brings three big things you must know:

(1) The country’s key inflation data CPI will be released next Wednesday.

Higher than expected negative, lower than expected positive.

If next Wednesday is lower than expected and Israel has not yet started, then BTC is expected to usher in a big rebound, otherwise BTC will usher in a sharp correction.

(2) Among them, Powell’s speech on Tuesday attracted the most attention.

(3) The peace talks between Israel and Palestine are likely to be finalized next week.

The decline in early trading was mainly driven by Erbiao and Shanzhai. The intensity in the future should be limited, and the focus should still be on the volume and energy in the afternoon. If it continues, there is a possibility of falling below 60,000 and heading towards 59,000. On the contrary, it returned to the 62300 to 60500 area and fluctuated and pulled!

For the current rhythm, back-stepping Duo and rebounding Kong are all about running short-term first in the stuck interval! Everyone, please pay attention to risk control if the fluctuations are large, and operate at a stuck point!

The guidance for retail investors has been opened this week. For those who are not good at short-term operation, just go to the same platform🉑Let’s find it! $BTC $ETH $BNB #新币挖矿 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC