Why do you dare to enter the cryptocurrency circle with only 5,000 yuan?

Anything can happen in the cryptocurrency circle. The myth of getting rich overnight is not a myth in the cryptocurrency circle. For most debtors and ordinary people, this is a way to cross the class without any threshold.

The following is an experience given to me by others:

The first time I speculated in cryptocurrency was in 2018. At that time, I had just graduated and had some spare money on hand, so I invested 5,000 yuan to test the water. Guess what, I lost all my capital and the account was blown up. Since then, I have never touched it again. Later, I worked in an Internet company. I was tired like a dog every day, but the income was not bad.

A few years passed like this, until the beginning of 2020, when the epidemic suddenly broke out, the company's performance declined, and I was also laid off. During that time, I was really confused and didn't know where to go in the future. At this time, I saw those stories of getting rich in the cryptocurrency circle again, and my heart itched, thinking about trying again.

So, I invested all the 50,000 or 60,000 yuan I had saved in the past few years. Guess what happened? I lost less than 10,000 yuan. During that time, I was so desperate that I felt that my life was bleak.

Later, I calmed down and reflected on it. I felt that I was too impulsive before and was not fully prepared. So, I decided to start over and learn the knowledge and skills of cryptocurrency trading from scratch. During that time, I was in various forums and groups in the cryptocurrency circle every day, watching other people's experience sharing, and slowly found my own feeling.

Although the process was difficult, I finally started to make some profits. Looking back now, that experience was really the most painful and precious time in my life.

The cryptocurrency circle is a cemetery, and one general will become a thousand bones. But the cryptocurrency circle is still one of the ways for ordinary people to quickly cross classes, and it is the most convenient way.

The risk of the cryptocurrency circle is too great. If you want to gain something in this circle, you still have to keep learning, and protect your bullets. No matter when, you must leave yourself a way out, because you don’t know whether you are the next Liang Xi or the stepping stone of the next Liang Xi.

As an investor who has been struggling in the cryptocurrency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you.If you are interested in the cryptocurrency world but don't know where to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world and future possibilities with me. Click on the avatar to find me.

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