There is no secret to wealth in the cryptocurrency circle, but few people are willing to get rich slowly.

Step 1: Never think about making money, as long as you can fully implement your own trading system, trading plan, and trading principles, no matter what style. As long as you can do it, you are already the first, defeating most people in the market.

Step 2: Losing money in the cryptocurrency circle is multi-dimensional. The bull market frequently switches between long and short positions, plays with high multiples, buys options randomly, and lives towards death. Newcomers entering this market must not touch contracts. If you make money, you must withdraw cash, because you don’t know when the original 519 will come.

Step 3: Get rid of high leverage, get rid of frequent transactions, learn to withdraw part of the money you make, and never charge it back if you run away. Cherish the big bull market that God has given you. Most people don’t make money by their own ability, but just happen to get rich passively in this Kondratieff cycle.

Step 4: The first principle of bottom-fishing when the bull turns back to eat grass is to buy more when the price drops sharply and buy less when the price drops slightly. However, you must control your position well. No matter how deep the retracement is this time, you can’t let a single position be too heavy and don’t give yourself a little room for error.

Step 5: "Speculate on new assets, not old ones". New assets are the biggest outlet in the bull market. As long as you hit the outlet, it will be a natural process to gain wealth. So as long as the direction is right, even if you invest less money and sell it earlier, it will be very profitable.

Step 6: "Leading" effect, get used to buying the "leading" projects in the track, so as to develop the habit of buying leaders.

As an investor who has been working in the currency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you for free. If you are interested in the currency circle, but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the currency circle with me. Click on the avatar introduction to find me. Whether it is spot, contract or airdrop mining, my slight move may be your limit.

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