A new week! A new beginning!

Dear friends, after 54 hours of sideways fluctuations, I believe that many people are getting more and more confused! After I deduced the bullish view and specific strategy in my last article, the market rose to around 63446u as planned, but at 10 pm on Friday, affected by the news, the market suddenly fell by 5% and has been sideways ever since. Next, let me sort out the specific situation of the overall market.

The overall trend of the current market is to go up. I also have low-leverage long orders held until now, but the strength is indeed not satisfactory. In fact, from March 14th to now, the market has been fluctuating widely for two months. In fact, most people have suffered large losses in their overall positions in these two months. Whether it is contracts or spot, there has been no good direction for us to choose at the daily level. If you are now short-term and waiting, be sure to mark the positions I will talk about next!

The current upper pressure level of the market is very dense and concentrated, at 61902u-62085u-62633u, which means that as long as the price of the market does not really break through and stand firm at 62633u, I personally am not optimistic about the strength of the bulls. Then the lower support level is at 61131u-60444u, which is the same as the understanding of the upper pressure level, but the direction is reversed.

The current market is abnormal and tangled, with long and short forces intertwined. I suggest taking a break. This kind of market should be taken a break...

It is better not to do it, and not to lose money...

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