How does the dollar hegemony affect global wealth? How does cryptocurrency challenge the status of the dollar? Today, we will reveal the secrets behind the currency.

The currencies issued by governments are essentially robbing the wealth of ordinary people with debt and inflation, and the dollar hegemony has extended its tentacles to the whole world.

However, cryptocurrencies driven by blockchain technology are challenging this pattern. Due to the rapidity and low cost of cryptocurrencies in cross-border payments, it threatens the hegemony of the dollar. Although the United States has a repressive attitude towards cryptocurrencies in the early days, the rise and commercial application of new technologies are unstoppable.

Therefore, the United States began to gradually intervene in the crypto market, incorporating cryptocurrencies into the dollar asset system to achieve control over them. Today, the market value of the crypto market has reached 2 trillion US dollars, and Bitcoin has become one of the supports for the US dollar, with a market value catching up with gold. Other ecological applications driven by blockchain technology will also bring about a "blowout" development.

In the future, if cryptocurrencies are dollarized and perfect policies and regulations are established, their application in the financial field will be more extensive, such as RWA asset tokenization and Internet web3 ecological applications.

The development potential of cryptocurrencies is huge, and they may subvert the traditional financial system in the future. We can wait and see.

As an investor who has been working in the cryptocurrency world for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency world but don't know where to start, you may wish to follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the cryptocurrency world with me. Click on the avatar to find me.

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