Odaily Planet Daily News Marc Taverner, CEO and co-founder of financial services provider XEROF, said that Bitcoin is less used in daily transactions (such as buying coffee), and it has become more and more popular as a means of exchange for other means; such as strategic investments in start-ups by funds, venture capital and angel investors. In addition, more and more start-ups are looking for providers to exchange Bitcoin for fiat currency to maintain their operations (such as paying wages and office rent). Taverner pointed out that Bitcoin is gradually becoming a mainstream investment, but the influx of institutional investors may limit its use as a means of exchange. The large number of Bitcoin ETF purchases by large institutions such as BlackRock has led to a decrease in the circulating supply of Bitcoin, an increase in prices, and further investment. However, this has also hindered its development as a means of exchange. Large players may monopolize the market, thereby harming companies, founders and investors who still like to use Bitcoin as a means of exchange. Taverner believes that regulation should support more financial products and diversify the use of Bitcoin to promote the healthy development of the market. (Blockworks)