[5.12 Market Research Report - Chip Concentration Area 5.9, Key Turning Point Not Broken, Sentiment Continues to Be Bearish, Trading Volume Sluggish, Weekly Closing Tomorrow, Where Will the Sword Point to Strengthen? ETH Continues to Be Weak, Daily Bullish Structure Defense Position Remains Unchanged]



It's the weekend, and the volatility will not move until Sunday afternoon as usual. The key position of 6.55 on the weekly level has been formed. Here we make short orders, and we also hold the tail positions [Friendly reminder, if the trading system and trading technology are more mature, you can get an extra number, separate the long and short lines, and give yourself some opportunities to get trend orders]

Daily Yin Envelope Yang, the trend continues to be bearish and oscillating. Whether the closing today is a continuation of the market or stagnation, there is no need to guess. For intraday short-term, we only need high and low points to judge the strength!

Below the daily line, ma120 5.85, ma200 5.2

There is no need to question such a position, it is the spot entry position

For the daily level, if it can't go up to 6.5, it can't be considered strong

Support 6.02 Pressure 6.15 6.25


Ether is very weak. Continue to maintain yesterday's view. The position is combined with the position of the big cake. It can do what the big cake can do

Spot entry position 2600-2700 2400

Support 2866 2688 Pressure 2970 3060 3125

3. Shanzhai

FRONT Yesterday's band was profitable. The follow-up plan has been sent to the square

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