1. Binance New Coin Mining: Restart after Compliance and Market Reaction

Since its launch, Binance's new coin mining function has been enthusiastically sought after by the market. However, due to well-known reasons, the sanctions imposed by the U.S. Department of Justice caused this function to be temporarily suspended after August 1 last year. After more than two months of compliance adjustments, Binance restarted the 38th new coin mining project on October 10, marking the beginning of its compliant operation. Since then, Binance has launched 12 new coin mining activities, one every two weeks on average, covering multiple fields such as infrastructure, games, DeFi, NFT and Meme.

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The significance of compliant operations

Compliance operation not only means that Binance conducts business within the legal framework, but is also the key to its wider recognition and trust. This is crucial for an exchange because it is related to the security of users' funds and the long-term development of the exchange. Compliance also helps Binance attract more institutional investors, which plays an important role in enhancing its market position and influence.

Multi-dimensional analysis of market response

After the new coin mining function was restarted, the market's reaction was multi-dimensional. On the one hand, investors' expectations and enthusiasm for new projects were rekindled, as can be seen from the scale and speed of financing for new projects. On the other hand, compliance also made some cautious investors more confident to participate in Binance's activities, which is beneficial to the stability and healthy development of the market.

II. Overview of the new coin mining project: diversified tracks and star projects

Among the 12 new coin mining projects, the infrastructure and game tracks have the largest number of projects, with 4 projects each. There are 2 DeFi projects, 1 NFT project, and a Meme project focusing on online memes. These projects not only cover multiple hot areas in the cryptocurrency market, but also the financing amounts range from US$6.6 million to US$60.4 million, showing the diversification of the market and the wide interest of investors.

In-depth analysis of project features

The characteristics of these projects can be analyzed from multiple perspectives. First, from a technical perspective, most of these projects use cutting-edge technologies in the current cryptocurrency field, such as multi-chain execution layer, zero-knowledge proof, smart contract platform, etc. Second, from a market positioning perspective, these projects cover multiple levels from infrastructure to terminal applications, showing the breadth and depth of the cryptocurrency market. Finally, from the perspective of investor composition, these projects have attracted the participation of many well-known investment institutions, including Binance, which not only provides financial support for the projects, but also provides resources and networks for the future development of the projects.

Market influence of star projects

Star projects have a huge impact on the market. Their success can not only drive the development of related technologies, but also attract more investors and entrepreneurs to enter this field. In addition, star projects can also serve as industry benchmarks and provide references and lessons for other projects.

3. Characteristics and investment rules of Binance’s new coin mining project

Through the analysis of these projects, we can summarize several key features to provide reference for investors who are interested in finding opportunities in Binance new coin mining.

1. Funding amount: capital threshold for star projects

According to the information released, the minimum amount of financing for these projects is 6.6 million US dollars, and the maximum does not exceed 60.4 million US dollars. This shows that the new coin mining projects that can be listed on Binance are usually star projects in the market and have a certain capital threshold.

2. Investment institutions: Binance’s high participation

Binance participated in 8 of the 12 projects, showing its high participation in new coin mining projects. This provides a clear signal to investors: projects associated with Binance are more likely to succeed.

3. Market capitalization and track preference: dual focus on games and infrastructure

Projects with a market value below 10 million are mainly concentrated in the gaming sector, while Binance is involved in more infrastructure and gaming projects and fewer DeFi projects. This may reflect Binance's preference for application-oriented projects and the strong position of other investors in DeFi projects.

4. Hard technology investment: star investment institutions in the infrastructure track

In the infrastructure track, in addition to Binance, there are also star investment institutions such as Polychain, HackVC, and Spartan. This shows that hard technology investment is one of the important criteria for Binance to select projects.

4. Money-making opportunities for ordinary investors: airdrops and new coin mining

For ordinary investors, in addition to direct investment, there are two main money-making opportunities in participating in Binance's new coin mining project: free money and new coin mining activities.

1. Airdrop: Select high-quality projects for investment

The so-called "airdrop" refers to obtaining project token rewards by participating in the project's early activities, such as testnet node deployment, without investing the principal. Investors should choose projects that have multiple well-known institutions investing, especially those invested by Binance, to increase the probability of getting returns.

2. New coin mining activity: use idle BNB to obtain income

Binance's new coin mining activities usually start before the new coin is launched. If investors have idle BNB, they can participate in these activities to obtain additional income. In a bull market, you can participate boldly; in a bear market, you need to be more cautious.

5. Conclusion: Binance’s compliance journey and future prospects of the industry

Binance has made great contributions to the cryptocurrency industry in the past few years. In particular, after the mandatory compliance by the U.S. Department of Justice last year, the restart of its compliant operations has not only brought new development opportunities for itself, but also set a compliance example for the entire industry. As the industry gradually becomes more formalized, traditional institutions and business companies may gradually enter the cryptocurrency market. Exchanges such as Binance are expected to become a new choice for technology companies, replacing the traditional IPO market and ushering in a new era.

The far-reaching impact of compliance

Compliance not only brings positive impacts to Binance itself, but also provides new impetus for the development of the entire industry. It improves the overall credibility of the industry, reduces the risks of investors, and also provides a reference and basis for regulatory agencies. Compliance is the only way for the development of the industry and a sign of the industry's maturity.

Future trends in the industry

With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, the cryptocurrency industry will usher in more development opportunities. On the one hand, new technologies and applications will continue to emerge, providing new impetus for the development of the industry; on the other hand, with the participation of more institutional and individual investors, the depth and breadth of the market will continue to increase. In addition, with the gradual improvement of supervision, the operation of the industry will be more standardized and transparent, which will provide a solid foundation for the long-term development of the industry.

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