Playing contracts is like gambling. The most fearful thing is to make money right away. It is normal to pay the tuition right away.

At least it can leave you the opportunity to hesitate and think. If you make money right away, congratulations, you can't get out. You have fallen into someone else's trap.

100% of the brothers will think that this is my fate. I have such a good sense of the market. I am born to make this kind of money. Others say that you must rely on luck, you will definitely not accept it, because you will definitely regard this kind of luck as the market.

Even your ability, and at this time you will basically be indifferent. You are now planning for the future and inspiring your life. You are thinking about making 500 a day. Even if you leave out Saturdays and Sundays, you can make 10,000 a month, and 130,000 a year, and this is without adding margin, working overtime, working overtime on weekends, and without increasing experience.

After you have operated for a year and your skills have increased, your level will definitely be higher than now, and your principal will be much more than now, so if you think about it in the most conservative way now, using the most conservative calculation method, you can easily make a million a year.

At this point, you start thinking like a full-time player, so you will continue to open contracts, and even open leverage with higher multiples, until one day, one hand, eh, it is not what you thought, so you start to learn to think about getting rich, and you start to think that you should be friends with time.

So you start to increase your position, and increase your position again and again against the trend, until all the chips in your hand are pressed, until a position is blown up, but you still believe that it is only a matter of time, you still believe in being friends with time,

You start to find various reasons to support your judgment, you firmly believe that you can stand up where you fall, and then you continue to suppress, sell the house, sell the car, and the credit cards in the office are increasing, and finally your credit value is ruined by yourself and emptied by you.

But you are still unwilling, you. I still believe that I was just unlucky this time. Why did I make money in the previous 10 rounds but lose money in this one? This must be a low-probability event.

So you start to turn your money to your relatives, your classmates, and your friends to fool them. You say that you have a big project on hand recently and urgently need funds to turn over. You can pay them back in a week.

So, you are more diligent and harder. After 3 days and 3 nights of review, you finally figured it out and made sure that you got it right this time. Because you have suffered too much loss before, it is obviously difficult to get back the money with a small leverage.

So you have to choose a high leverage. In front of the result, don't believe in tears. This time you blow up your position again, and every time it is just right, your position is blown up, and the market is normal.

Until one day you finally reconciled with yourself and decided to give up this great dream. So, you uninstalled the software and vowed never to play with pitfalls. Every trader has a Buffett in his heart, and most ordinary people play contracts.

In the first stage, everyone would raise a glass to the moon and sing to the wine. Trading is just like this, and the stock god is just like this.

In the second stage, fate is against me. I didn't grasp the entry, and this situation will not happen next time.

In the third stage, I review the market during the day and at night. I think that as long as I can get my money back, I will stop doing it and I will no longer hold a heavy position. When I can get my money back, I will stop playing completely. I must get back the capital I lost.

In the last stage, I will always add more capital until you say please leave the last bullet for me.

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