You can become rich overnight or lose everything overnight in the cryptocurrency circle.

Case 1:

I entered the circle in 2000 when Dogecoin was launched in 2021. At that time, people said that one day in the cryptocurrency circle is like ten years in the real world, but I didn’t have such a deep feeling. Suddenly one day, a big brother recommended me to buy a local Dogecoin. It happened that the local Dogecoin craze was also set off at that time. I bought a coin called k a k i for 20,000 yuan. The next day, I woke up and found that it was 400,000. I thought my phone was broken, so I refreshed it frantically. I didn’t expect that I could really cash it out. The first time I made money was because of this local Dogecoin, which made me feel the above saying that one day in the cryptocurrency circle is like ten years in the real world.

At the same time, when 5.19 came, my position fell by 80%, which was a terrible loss. I was also in debt of 800,000 yuan later, but I was lucky to step on another project.

2021 was also the beginning of the Metaverse. I was also lucky in the second half of the year. Isn't sAxie popular? He said that you can make money while playing games. I also invested in a game by chance, called Farmer World°. I entered the market on August 17th and invested 80,000 yuan. At the highest point, it rose to 20 million. In fact, I cashed out 600. But the money earned by luck is also lost quickly. I thought I had investment research ability, so I invested blindly. I invested 1 million in a game and lost 990,000. The rise and fall is still very scary. This industry is scary, but also very attractive. If you really want to play, remember to use your spare money and don't delay your life. In this industry, you need not only luck but also understanding of hot spots and trends, otherwise you will always be a loser.


Case 2:

When I bought LUNA°, it fell 99% the next day. I thought it would rebound by 10% or 20% anyway, so I bought more with 10x leverage. As a result, it fell 99% again. I thought: 100 U has fallen to 0.1 U, and it can’t fall much more! If it rises back, I will make a lot of money, so I will continue to buy more! As a result, it fell 99% again, and then I went bankrupt. I wanted to borrow money to buy it, but unfortunately I didn’t get it. Now LUNA has fallen from 100 U to 0.00006 U.  

Okay, the above is for your reference.

Pay attention and don’t get lost. Next issue: What is airdrop