Let me count down, if you can start to go long at the lowest point of this bull market, and predict the highest point to go short, how much money can you make‼ ️First order‼ ️When the whole network was blown up and we were at a loss, we decisively took the long position and won the last big surge in the bull market‼ ️

This is our last long order before we openly shorted the top of the bull market. So before the whole bull market, we also went long all the way. Old fans familiar with us know that when Bitcoin was still at 26,000, we publicly shouted how much we wanted to do? We went all the way to the highest of 74,000. So this is our last long order. Why do I want to emphasize this long order in this big market where we shorted, because this shows that we have successfully transformed from longs to airdrops, that is to say, we did not go short all the way in the whole bull market, and finally took the chance to go short at the highest point. In the whole bull market, we went long all the way, and then made a pit at the highest point. So this long order is exactly what can best demonstrate our technical strength. When we should go long, we are unambiguous and always go long, and when we should go short, we don’t. Affected by public opinion, everyone said that the price would soar to 100,000, but we were not affected at all. We decisively entered the market with short orders and successfully escaped the top in the bull market. This is something that truly has technical content. 🤑🤑

Excellent teams earn profits, great teams win people's hearts, and the chief team publicly releases free market analysis with points and directions to the single digits to fans every day. We don't do it to make money from fans, but only to record our own journey to becoming a god in the cryptocurrency circle. I hope you can accompany me all the way🙏🙏🙏#新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析