In financial investment in general or crypto in particular, psychology is the most important thing, not capital. Even if you have small capital, you have good psychology to wait for a good price range to buy, as well as you can. Wait to take profits many times. If you have a weak mentality, even if you have a lot of capital, most of your patience will only take profits or cut losses when the price fluctuates by 5 to 15%. Therefore, good psychology is extremely important. If you practice good psychology with a clear strategy from the beginning, you will no longer care too much about things that affect the market like the sharp price drops you still see. normal and even when prices increase sharply you still feel normal.

Even I myself am having to train myself to have a good mentality. Even though I had a strategy from the beginning, my psychology itself is still not really good, so a few strong drops in my mind still have DCA thoughts before the zone. price compared to the original plan, as well as when the price increases sharply, there is still the thought of taking profits in advance compared to the original plan. To practice and remind myself, I practiced writing articles on blog square, you can also try it to see how effective it is.


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