On Friday local time, OpenAI announced that it will broadcast some live demonstrations of ChatGPT next Monday, May 13 at 10:00 Pacific Time.

To the surprise of the market, Sam Altman quoted the above news on the X platform and said that GPT-5 and AI search engine will not be released next Monday. He also said, "We have been working hard to develop some new things that we think people will like, and it feels like magic to me."

That is to say, OpenAI once again did not launch its much-anticipated AI-based search product as the market leaked. According to the announcement, OpenAI will focus on the update of its popular chatbot ChatGPT and its artificial intelligence model next Monday. It has been more than a year since OpenAI released its last flagship model GPT-4, and the release of the new model is highly anticipated.

Some netizens expressed disappointment. After all, this is not the first time. For OpenAI, rumors are just rumors and do not mean distant prophecies.


Some netizens said that if OpenAI does not launch an AI search engine, it will lose its current position as Apple in the field of artificial intelligence. It feels like this is entering an agent direction, perhaps some new features for more complex tasks, creating a task and then completing it a few minutes later.


Some netizens also noticed that Google’s stock price reacted positively. After the news came out, there was a significant wave of increases during the day and the decline narrowed.


OpenAI's search engine is difficult to produce

Less than 24 hours ago, on Thursday local time, it was reported that OpenAI plans to announce its AI-based search product next Monday, May 13, in an effort to compete with Google Search.

Last week, multiple sources confirmed that OpenAI will release the highly anticipated ChatGPT search engine product. OpenAI will announce the news at 10 a.m. local time on May 9, which is about 2 a.m. Beijing time on Friday. It is reported that OpenAI will launch a search webpage, the search.chatgpt.com domain name and related SSL certificates have been created, and it is expected to go online on May 9 this week. OpenAI officials have not responded to the relevant news.

The May 9 timeline came just days after separate reports that OpenAI was considering postponing its product launch this week.

Industry insiders pointed out that OpenAI's original release schedule of May 9 is quite interesting, because Google will hold its annual "Google I/O" conference on May 14, and OpenAI does not want Google's technical conference to steal the limelight of the product. The May 13 date revealed on Thursday is just one day before Google's major conference. However, from the latest situation, OpenAI did not "beat" Google in the end.

A previous article on the Wall Street Journal website introduced that some lucky people have obtained the internal testing qualification of ChatGPT search. The overall evaluation is good, but there are still flaws.

OpenAI’s AI search looks like this:

Netizens' evaluation of OpenAI's AI search is that it will go online for information it doesn't know, but it still cannot handle very real-time information well.


As of press time, the URL "search.chatgpt.com" shows Not Found. Previous feedback from netizens is that it does exist. Although an error message will be reported when accessing it now, it also indicates that OpenAI will officially launch the search function sooner or later.

As a leader in AI, OpenAI is still under tremendous pressure. Analysts say that if OpenAI wants to stay ahead in the field of AI chatbots, it cannot avoid AI search, and competitors including Google and AI search startup Perplexity are also working hard to speed up the process. Perplexity has already earned a valuation of $1 billion with its precise AI search and citation capabilities. Google is also fully AIizing its search engine business and plans to announce the latest plans for the Gemini AI model at the developer conference next week.

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