The first batch of recipients can start restake. Last night, ETH's gas finally returned to double digits. I received 6u, authorized 2u, deposited 12u, and delegated 5u. I didn't get the money after all. I spent 25u to get 4 high-quality txs.

During the day, it fell back to single digits. You can claim it and pledge it as appropriate. If you don't know how to claim it, please see my previous post.

Each address can only delegate to one company, unlike alt, which can mine at the same time.

So don't rush to delegate. See if there are any projects doing bribery points activities, giving airdrops or something. It is estimated that there will be some in the near future.

Altlayer should be relatively stable and continue to get AVS airdrops, but strong certainty means volume, that is, the income tends to financial management.