Review summary

BTC's highest yesterday was 63446.5, and its lowest was 60117.4. The maximum decline for the whole day was 3347 dollars. The downward force was quite strong. The first resistance position of today's rebound was at 38.2%, 61389.2, which is very close to today's daily long-short boundary 61444. It can be seen that the pressure here is great.

ETH: Yesterday's highest was 3053.52, the lowest was 2877, and the maximum decline for the whole day was 176.52 dollars. The first resistance position of today's rebound was at 38.2%, 2944, which is also the long-short boundary of today's daily line.

In the absence of positive stimulus over the weekend, the rebound will not break through here.

Especially this kind of analysis of the market from multiple angles, resonating at the same position, is more important.

#ETH #BTC走势分析