ETFs are stocks traded on the Stock Exchange.

After making our introduction, we can now talk about #Bitcoin and its ETFs.

ETFs may have one or more “underlying assets.” A $BTC ETF owner does not have to protect her wallet's private key. Instead of trusting any crypto exchange, a bank - exchange compatible with the traditional financial system can be preferred.

The owner of a Bitcoin ETF can benefit from price changes of the asset in question, but does not own the asset itself. It is not possible to trade with other cryptocurrency pairs. A management fee must be paid to manage the funds.

On the other hand, the integration of cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial system is very important.

Remember that not everyone can use the stock market and does not have as much knowledge about the cryptocurrency world as you do. The mass that cannot integrate into the crypto world will benefit from the ecosystem thanks to traditional financial instruments, as well as feed the ecosystem with new resources.

For you who are knowledgeable about crypto exchanges and can make your choices:

I don't think there is much to say.

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