Today, Binance Wallet launched the UXlink airdrop event. The task is very simple and the cost of signing in is negligible. It is almost free. You can get rewards by signing in, so be sure to do it! !

Here are the steps

1: Enter the Binance app and prepare about 20U of ETH spot (because the wallet balance is > 10U, Task 1 will get more coins, and signing in also costs some gas every day, so you must prepare > 10U of ETH).

2: Click on the web3 wallet, then click on transfer on the wallet homepage, and choose to withdraw ETH from the spot wallet to the arb chain of the wallet (be sure to confirm it, don’t transfer to the wrong chain)

3: After waiting for the withdrawal to arrive, click the banner-uxlink in the middle of the wallet homepage to enter the event page. If there is no banner, click the lower right corner to find it, select airdrop at the top of the page, find the uxlink event page and click to enter

4: After entering the webpage, click connect in the upper right corner to link the wallet, then select binance web3 wallet in the lower left corner to complete the subsequent linking steps

5: Click connect on the right side of task1, click sign after entering, and you will see 25UXUY on the right side of task1 after completion (if your balance is less than 10, you will only get 5UXUY, so it must be greater than 10U)

6: Click the check-in button after task2, and then wait for the contract interaction page to appear after loading. Click the confirmation button in the lower right corner to complete the interaction. After completion, you will see a pop-up message 16UXUY income. Congratulations! Your task2 - today's check-in is complete.

7: After the sign-in activity is completed, click my task rewards-UXUY-claim at the bottom of the page to claim your rewards

Note: We need to sign in for seven consecutive days in task2, one round every seven days, it is best not to interrupt. If you sign in continuously, you will get 16UXUY on the first day and 16+UXUY on the second day. If you sign in for a short time, you will get 16UXUY when you sign in again, and 4UXUY without reward. If you sign in for seven consecutive days, the total amount you get for the two tasks is 25+224=249UXUY