This round of institutional bullishness, then seize this point and your assets can easily double several times in August.

BlackRock heavy position, rwa. Grayscale Oracle #uma has made up for the increase yesterday.

who is the next?

Grayscale Report: "Public Chain and Tokenization Revolution", who is the biggest beneficiary of RWA?

1: Advantages of RWA

RWA, or tokenization of real assets, converts physical assets such as gold and real estate into cryptocurrency on the blockchain. This innovation brings the following significant advantages:

Improved efficiency: No need for traditional brokers, reducing transaction costs. Accessibility: Assets can be divided into smaller shares, improving liquidity.

2: Reasons why RWA has become a driver of value on the chain

The reason why RWA can become the main driver of value on the chain is because:

Access to traditional markets: Have access to the world’s huge bond market, gold market, etc. DeFi income: Use physical assets to generate real income. Lower the threshold: Lower the investment threshold to allow more people to participate. Reduce intermediary costs: Reduce the costs of brokers and middlemen.

Three: How RWA works

RWA represents asset ownership as on-chain tokens through smart contracts. Issuers decide how RWAs are valued and traded on their underlying blockchain, with each token representing part or all of the asset’s value.

Four: Who will benefit from it?

L1 and L2 blockchain: The L1 chain that launched the RWA protocol can indirectly enjoy the benefits of its rise. RWA-focused blockchains such as Redbelly Network and MANTRA Chain offer more immediate upside potential.

Oracles: The RWA protocol actively uses oracles to ensure accurate price data flow across blockchains. Oracles such as Chainlink ensure that RWA prices are consistent with the market by bridging real market information to the blockchain.

Seeing this, you probably have a direction, but you don’t know what to choose.

My deployment strategy for May will be announced soon.

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