Today's funds: 10356 U, 2024.5.10

The funds have returned to 10,000 U, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I am really afraid of liquidation, and I really can't afford to lose. But fear alone is useless. We must integrate knowledge and action, and act steadily and accurately.

Now the BTC contract with orders is still in a small loss state, losing more than 1,000 U, but if the BTC contract is optimistic in the long term, the rest depends on whether it can withstand the storms in the process. The position is light and the margin is sufficient, and there is a high probability of profit.

At present, my position of BTC contract with orders is still relatively heavy, and it can't withstand the storms. I may capsize and liquidate in a small ditch. At the beginning, I was greedy and wanted to turn the funds to 20,000 U or 30,000 U. Who doesn't want money, but money is not easy to make. Between principal and income, I still choose principal. Principal is more important than opportunity.

The day before yesterday, when I almost got liquidated, I was so scared that I was scared to death. I was lucky that I didn't lose money this time. Now I just want to avoid losses and don't dare to think about making money.

The currency-based contract FTM changed from floating loss to floating profit, so I sold a little bit. In fact, I should have sold all of it, but I couldn't achieve unity of knowledge and action. In this case, saving life is important. I should sell all of FTM and leave more margin just in case. The position of single contract BTC is too heavy. In this case of FTM, even if it rises, the money earned is not the money I am happy about.

It is necessary to achieve unity of knowledge and action. If you can't achieve unity of knowledge and action, the profit is temporary. When you achieve unity of knowledge and action, you will be happy even if you sell at a loss.