I often see some people saying they have quit the circle, and then post the mnemonic words there to give the remaining money in the wallet to the destined person. How is this deceiving people?

First of all, let me popularize two classic scams in the currency circle that are well known to old birds and have been circulating for a long time

Private key collision device

Mnemonic leakage phishing

1. Private key collision device

People often sell this kind of private key collision device in various comment areas

Then say: "I collided with a wallet with several ETH today. Oh, I made a lot of money today. If you need anything, please contact me. Maybe you will be the next lucky person?"

Don't believe it, it's fake

If the private key can be easily run out by the computing power of a home computer, then the entire cryptocurrency system will collapse directly. What's the point of playing cryptocurrency?

2. Mnemonic leakage phishing

This scam is that someone pretends to leak the mnemonic words and puts out the mnemonic words or private keys. When Xiaobai sees it, he thinks, "Oh, the mnemonic words, don't you have to import it into the wallet to check the balance?"

When I checked the balance, I saw that there were more than 1,000 USDT. Isn't this pure money?

But when I wanted to transfer to my wallet, I found that there was no ETH for Gas, so I hurriedly opened the exchange to recharge ETH to this wallet, but after recharging once, I found that there was no ETH in the wallet?

Then I tried to transfer it again, until I finally found that it was wrong. It turned out that your ETH was transferred out as soon as it was transferred into the wallet?

This scam is purely to cheat Gas. The address is monitored by robots. Once ETH is found to be transferred in, 90% of the transferred ETH (because there are many robots watching this address, and now it can only get 10%) is used as Gas, and the remaining 10% is transferred to your own wallet.

Here is an address, you can check it in Etherscan: 0x4DE23f3f0Fb3318287378AdbdE030cf61714b2f3

OK, the pre-knowledge is over, let's talk about the scam that my brother encountered today

Brother: "I downloaded a private key collision device on the Internet before, but I don't know how to use it. Can you help me check if it is real?"

Me: "It's fake, it's useless, one of the classic scams in the currency circle"

Brother: "But the addresses are all real."

Me: "? Are there coins in the addresses that are hit?"

Brother: "All of them."

Me: "What a chain of traps, the second classic scam in the currency circle, try to transfer Gas in, you will find that the Gas will be directly transferred away, it's a Gas scam"

Brother: "6"

Brother: "But I didn't spend any money, I got it for free"

Me: (Congratulations on entering the third level! They probably took your money because they like your coins, and if nothing goes wrong, there will be some Trojans)

Me: "I suggest reinstalling the system.jpg"

If you encounter a scam you don't understand, you may contact Laolang through the homepage, and he will analyze and interpret it for you for free. Remember, there are many tricks in the currency circle! $MEME