The number of unemployed people in the United States exceeded expectations that week, and Bitcoin returned to 63,000

1. The number of unemployed people exceeded expectations, and $BTC rose overnight to around 63,000. The 1-hour K-line showed that there was a need for a correction, and the 4-hour K-line indicator indicated that it was in an upward trend, and the 12-hour level was still in a downward trend. 63,000 should be tortured repeatedly, and then the opportunity for copycats has come. Friends in the car who recommended $PEPE $NEAR $AR yesterday can continue to hold them and make principal loss protection.

2. As of 4 a.m. when the U.S. stock market closed, the net inflow of funds for several Bitcoin ETFs on that day was: -5.27 million US dollars. Among them, the largest net inflow was Fidelity's FBTC: $12.67 million, followed by BlackRock's IBIT: $12.48 million. The largest net outflow was Grayscale's GBTC: -$23.16 million.

3. Taiwan has enacted new regulations requiring cryptocurrency service providers to register anti-money laundering measures, and violators will be sentenced to up to 2 years in prison.

#山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件