Why you will never win from whales? 🐳

In the cryptocurrency world, cryptocurrency holders who hold a large amount of cryptocurrency are called whales, most people only think they can be whales because they have a lot of money, which is completely wrong.

Most whales in the cryptocurrency market are financial companies that manage other people's money, which is called investment interest (monthly/yearly), in the stock market we call them brokers, I believe some of these financial companies invest not only in the cryptocurrency market, but also in the stock market, so that they can make more profits to pay the interest rates and fees of their customers' operations

Whales use not only feelings or instincts, but also other tools to make the decision to buy or sell, these tools can come from news, charts, trading data, order books, dollar value, etc., they will analyze them to make the decision to buy or sell.

After they know what to do next, the next step is to use market psychology to create FOMO or drive GREEd or FEAR so that they can make more profit from it,

Just like what happened when the crypto market was in FEAR, whales have made decisions to speculate and accumulated more than 60000 BTC in the past 2 days (May 7-9, 2024)

So if you want to be successful like whales, you need to know how to analyze data to support your decisions and manage your fear/greed so that you don’t panic and end up selling at a loss, or even lose the opportunity to profit from your investment

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