Optimism launches new features for L3 developers

According to Optimism’s official announcement, the network will launch two new features to promote L3 developers building with OP Stack, integrate into its Superchain ecosystem, and share revenue with the Optimism Collective. These two new features are "Custom Gas Tokens" and "Plasma Mode".​

  • Custom Gas Tokens is a highly anticipated feature currently in the final stages of development that will allow developers to use layer 2 tokens as native gas tokens for layer 3 protocols. This reduces onboarding costs as expensive gas token transfers from tier one to tier two to tier three are not required.​

  • Plasma pattern is an alternative to the Data Availability (DA) layer. With this feature, L3 only needs to submit transactions to the second layer (L2) instead of the Ethereum mainnet, so the associated data commitment and output root costs are significantly reduced. This reduction in fixed overhead costs makes deploying L3 on OP Stack an easier option.

The network built based on the underlying blockchain (such as Ethereum) is called a second-layer network (L2) network. The L2 network has higher throughput and transaction processing speed than the underlying network, while enjoying the benefits of the underlying network. The safety provided by the road. The three-layer network (L3) is built on the two-layer network and is mainly used to carry specific decentralized applications, providing enhanced solutions for expansion, performance, interoperability, customization and cost.

The Optimism team stated that in its Superchain ecosystem, L3 networks built using OP Stack will enjoy many benefits, such as being eligible for retroactive funds, airdrops, and developer subsidy programs. However, there may be limitations on certain features such as interoperability.

Polygon CEO is not optimistic about L3 route

However, not everyone in the industry agrees with L3 as the development route for Ethereum expansion. Polygon CEO Marc Boiron said in April that L3 networks were unnecessary and could increase security risks for Ethereum because they extract value from Ethereum.

Just after Optimism announced the new features, Marc Boiron once again reiterated his position, claiming that "L3 is worse than L2" and pointed out many shortcomings of the L3 network, such as: "The L2 network can return to the network frequently and quickly. Ethereum, but L3 cannot do it” and “L3 has difficulty maintaining sovereignty and may be limited by L2.”

L3s are worse than L2s. Don’t fall for marketing gimmicks that are selling inferior technology or, even worse, making disguised attempts to overthrow Ethereum down the road. Why are L3s worse than L2s?1. You can customize everything about an L2 just like you can on an L3.…

— Marc Boiron (@0xMarcB) May 9, 2024

In addition, Marc Boiron has continuously emphasized that networks built using Polygon's services (Polygon CDK and AggLayer) can achieve a better experience than L3.

In this article, Optimism launches two new features to win over L3 developers; Polygon CEO said bitterly: L3 is just marketing talk and not as good as L2. First appeared on Zombit.