Urgent market updates!


#ORDI ORDI Market News:


On the 1-hour time scale, the market is in a recovery trend; while in the 2-4 hour time range, it presents a pattern of adjustment and consolidation. 🚨🚨🚨 Find the author Cfst888

Please pay close attention to the critical point of long and short in 1 hour: 38.011. As long as this key position is not broken, the callback stage may come to an end, and then the market is expected to usher in long opportunities at the 1-hour level.

Upward targets can focus on the three price ranges of 38.367, 38.705 and 38.897.

However, if the market fails to break through the 1-hour pressure level, it may turn into a bearish trend, and the support levels below need to pay attention to: 37.875, 37.691 and 37.293.

Dear traders! Please keep in mind that risk management is always the top priority in the trading process. We recommend consolidating the defense line first and then seeking profit opportunities.

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