After posting this message yesterday, $ETH rose to a maximum price of 3033. I opened a contract and took a screenshot to show everyone at night. I made more than 300u.

After that, $ETH has been moving around the 1-4 hour suppression. In the early morning, I saw that the market could not rise any further, so I notified the internal group to stop profit. Because I didn’t know what was going on at night, it was a good thing that I stopped profit, otherwise those who opened high leverage would be washed out again.

However, I think that yesterday’s wave of downward rebound just proved that the bulls still have the rebound power. I still believe that there will be a good upward rebound in the next few days.

Yesterday afternoon, I said that I would use the plunge of $TRB to return funds to the mainstream and start a surge. As a result, $TRB pulled back 24% overnight and the mainstream also followed the pullback🙃