Thursday, May 9, 2024, Bitcoin morning thought sharing

Weak downtrend, rebound continues to be bearish

When I woke up, the market fell again, and the currency price once again dropped to the 61,000 area. Yesterday, I gave a high-altitude idea, and the market also fluctuated all the way down. Yesterday, we were short and short, and we also gained more than 2,000 points of fallback space in the real market as expected. The current market continues Weak, we still maintain the same high-altitude thinking in terms of operation

On the daily line structure, the market has once again turned negative for a consecutive period of time, and the main trend has returned to the rhythm of a wave-type rebound. It has been negative for three consecutive days, and the K-line has a long upper shadow, so the trend of the daily line continues. Pay attention to the market's downward movement. There is a feeling of a draw on the 4-hour chart. The market trend is mostly dominated by Yin K. Shorts continue to increase their volume. So far, the currency price has not made a strong rebound. Therefore, under the bearish market sentiment, continue to look at the continuation of shorts. Can!

On Thursday morning, it is recommended to go short around 61800-62000, with the target focusing on the 60000-59000 line.

On Thursday morning, it is recommended to short Ether around 3010-3030, with the target focusing on the 2900-2800 line.

It’s never too late to start, it’s better to start today. One day, the future that is visible bit by bit will slowly become clear in your heart and under your feet. Life never treats everyone who works hard. #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #Megadrop #ETH #BTC