BTC once again tested the key support band of 61200, and ETH fluctuated repeatedly at the 3000 mark‼ ️The last hard shipment before the plunge⁉️ is still to wash out the bulls⁉️

With the continuous plunge of the market, the entire Ethereum has continued to weaken. Compared with the surge of Bitcoin in this round of bull market, Ethereum has not reached a new historical high, and in the subsequent decline of Bitcoin, the speed of Ethereum's decline is faster, so the trend and market of the entire Ethereum are quite compared with Bitcoin. Then in the just-falling decline, it can be seen that Bitcoin has hit a new low in three days, but Ethereum began to strengthen and did not hit a new low📉

If a big drop occurs, it will be a sharp drop in Bitcoin. Driving Ethereum to fall sharply, please note that what I said is the sharp drop of Bitcoin. Ethereum will not fall slightly because of the strengthening of Ethereum. If Bitcoin falls sharply in the next market and violently washes the market, then Ethereum will definitely follow Bitcoin's sharp drop and violently wash the market‼ ️

In the subsequent rebound, Ethereum's rebound will far exceed Bitcoin, and the speed of its rise will also far exceed Bitcoin. So in terms of the current trend, if Bitcoin plummets in the market later, because in our opinion, the next trend of Bitcoin should be a drop below 60,000. That is, in the subsequent trend, it will fall below 60,000. It is also possible that there will be another rebound from here, and then fall below 60,000. However, judging from the current Bitcoin market, there should be another drop below 60,000, so in this drop, Ethereum should also have a big explosion point. Ethereum will not strengthen and fall slightly, Ethereum will follow Bitcoin to fight the treasure book, but after the big drop, the speed of Ethereum's rebound and the height of the rebound will far exceed Bitcoin. This news can be clearly obtained from the current market

ETH's key support level has been told to everyone, slow drop short-term support

The first support is 2928 to 2958

The second support is 2758 to 2828

If the waterfall washes directly, then the support of the plunge pin

The first support is 2658 to 2688

The second support is 2560 to 2596

#BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #5月市场关键事件