#TRB You can't see the upper limit or the lower limit. Five-star critic MacArthur said, it's really ruthless!

The project party has the strength and ruthlessness to pull up against the trend in such a situation.

In December last year, from double digits to triple digits, it instantly fell back to double digits, successfully cutting most of the investors who were on top.

We followed the pull this time, but we can only say that the pattern is unstoppable, so we will reduce our holdings first.

In addition, the community driven by senior financial encryption circle bloggers on the whole network follows the market in real time, updates contracts and spot strategies almost every day, and explains position management in detail.

Never hindsight, if you make money, you make money, and if you lose money, you make a plan to stop the loss. (If you don't believe it, look at the picture below, and then come to me to see if it is photoshopped)

If you want to keep up with the strategy code.

Just click on the avatar, pay attention, and see the qualifications.

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