Bitcoin halving is good news, why didn't the price of the currency rise, but fell instead? There may be several reasons. First, good news often triggers a negative effect after it is implemented. After the hype expectations are implemented, the dealers sell their products for profit, causing the price of the currency to fall. Secondly, Bitcoin has recently hit a record high, and the Middle East war has brought great uncertainty, which has provided great fuel for short sellers and further suppressed the price of the currency. In addition, the general stock market correction in the United States in April was also dragged down by the decline of US stocks, which directly affected the trend of Bitcoin. In general, the entire cycle of Bitcoin is still in its early stages. Although the halving is good, it may only be equivalent to the bottom start-up stage now, and it will take time for the price of the currency to rise. The range and trend of Bitcoin in the future are still worth paying attention to. As the global situation continues to change, the trend of Bitcoin will also be affected by various factors. Investors need to remain vigilant and adjust their strategies in time. Specifically, follow me to join Junyang 🌹 

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