As the highlight of this year, if you want stability in the AI ​​track, you must hold the AI ​​projects launched on Binance. This has been written in previous documents.

This time, we are mainly looking for alpha returns, potential projects that can be listed on Binance and have 10x potential. These 10 projects are of better quality than many AI projects. You can pay attention to them:

#binance真的是太牛了 #BNB挖礦 #空投大毛 #a16z


1) Project Introduction

The Gensyn protocol will become the base layer for machine learning computations, similar to Ethereum for smart contract execution. Going forward, we expect others to build on top of the protocol to provide rich user experiences and specialized functionality in a wide range of domains. We expect this emerging ecosystem to start with applications based on expert knowledge, allowing non-experts to build and deploy ML solutions using abstractions similar to existing Web2 solutions such as Amazon’s SageMaker and DataRobot.

2) Background

a16z led the investment, coinfund, protocol labs and others participated in the investment, and the two rounds of financing amounted to nearly 50 million US dollars

3) Participation Opportunities

Not available yet, you can participate in the test after the test network is launched.

If there is a better opportunity for primary investment, the token will be launched on KSM and then on the mainnet.

The information is here:

4) Evaluation

What we have done is of great significance to the AI ​​track - the importance of machine learning!!!

At the same time, it supports users' ordinary machines to access and participate in mining, which is similar to io (one-sided interpretation)

a16z Investments

Confirm coin issuance


1) Project Introduction

PLAI Labs is focused on leveraging AI and web3 to build a next-generation social platform for users to play, talk, fight, trade, and adventure together. Their first entertainment experience is the game Champions Ascension built on the platform, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) where players can port existing non-fungible token (NFT) characters, go on quests, trade items, fight in the Colosseum, build their own custom dungeons, and more. They are also building an AI protocol platform that will help handle everything from user-generated content (UGC) to matchmaking to 2D to 3D asset rendering.

2) Background

a16z led the investment + coinbas invested, with a financing amount of 32 million US dollars.

A16z Games and a16z crypto both led the investment. A16z chose to bet on both gaming and cryptocurrency funds at the same time, which is rare in the Web3 field.

3) Participation Opportunities

Join the game:

4) Evaluation

Combining social + AI + games, multiple market hot spots narrative

a16z is extremely optimistic, and multiple investment departments are involved in the investment

Negative operations are basically zero. The team seems to have no experience in web3

3、the view

1) Project Introduction

Privasea AI Network provides groundbreaking solutions to data privacy-related challenges in the field of artificial intelligence.

The testnet introduces an avant-garde architecture that seamlessly integrates fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) with blockchain-based incentives, addressing growing concerns around data privacy and meeting the growing demand for collaborative AI computing.

It is a purely technical type project!

2) Background

Binance has invested in 5#AIprojects in total, 4 of which are @nfprompt, @qnaweb3, @Web3Go, and @StarryNift. These four projects are well-known to everyone.

At the same time, among these five projects, two of the coin issuing projects are listed on Binance, and one is listed on OK. Basically, the worst AI projects invested by Binance are OK.

There is only one that is not well-known, so I personally will treat this project as a top priority.

3) How to participate

The overall project is technical, so I put the official tutorial here, and you can participate according to your needs

1) Create an account:

2) Computation nodes:

3) User client:

4 Conclusion

Technical projects, I recommend it, everyone who has the ability to participate, this kind of non-rolling is good

One of the five Ai projects that Binance invested in, it is OK at worst, but I personally think Binance

There are still too many stories to tell in the AI ​​track in the second half of the year, such as PGT-5, trillions of AI computing power, and Ultraman’s personal concept.

Privasea incorporates the DePIN concept. Integrates distributed computing resources for artificial intelligence computing. Multiple market hotspots


1) Project Introduction is a decentralized computing network that enables the development, execution, and scaling of ML applications on the Solana blockchain, combining 1 million GPUs to form the world’s largest GPU cluster and solves this problem by aggregating GPUs from underutilized resources such as independent data centers, crypto miners, and crypto projects such as Filecoin and Render, which are combined in the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) to give engineers access to massive amounts of computing power in a system that is accessible, customizable, cost-effective, and easy to implement.

2) Background

Hack VC and Multicoin led the investment. The company raised $30 million at a valuation of $1 billion.

3) How to participate

Use your own GPU to participate in mining

Deployment tutorial:

4) Comprehensive evaluation

The project background and technical strength are very good, but some problems have occurred recently, and it is uncertain whether the community fud can be launched on time.


1) Project Introduction

Grass is the flagship product of Wynd Network, which allows users to monetize their internet connections by selling unused network resources. To individuals, it will appear as a network extension that is downloaded, kept, and forgotten. It will do the work behind the scenes, helping others obtain public network data in exchange for payment in the protocol's native token.

2) Background

Poluchain led the investment

3) How to participate

Participate in the testnet points reward mining:

4) Comprehensive evaluation

Comprehensive evaluation of the project, the popularity is good, the background is also good, but the spider web is not on, it’s okay to play with it.

The types of projects are similar to those I participated in in 2017-2018. That is, plug-in mining/cdn mining are similar. I suggest you participate.


1) Project Introduction

Forta is a real-time detection network for security and operational monitoring of blockchain activity. As a decentralized monitoring network, Forta detects threats and anomalies on DeFi, NFT, governance, bridges, and other Web3 systems in real time. Giving timely and relevant alerts about the security and health of owned or dependent systems, protocols and investors can react quickly to eliminate threats and prevent or minimize financial losses.

2) Background

a16z investment and coinbase investment

3) How to participate

Currently, you can only buy on the second-tier exchanges. Except for Coinbase, all other online exchanges are second-tier and third-tier exchanges.

4) Comprehensive evaluation

What the project does is very sexy, and I am very optimistic about it, but the track is relatively niche. The project's circulating market value is relatively small, so it is recommended to pay attention to it.


1) Project Introduction

Ritual is a distributed AI computing platform that has developed five key focus areas: creating its incentive network to connect distributed computing devices to power hosting, sharing, inference, and fine-tuning of AI models; an API layer for accessing models; a proof layer to guarantee the integrity of computations; and censorship resistance and privacy.

2) Background

Robot Venture Investment + Polychain + Dao5 Investment

3) How to participate

Run the node:

Running the node tutorial:

Submit your email to apply for the waitlist

4) Comprehensive evaluation

Highly recommended, it's as awesome as io before it crashed. I suggest you must participate, the project pace is not as fast as io


1) Project Introduction

0G is a modular AI blockchain with a scalable and programmable DA layer suitable for AI dapps. Its modular technology will enable frictionless interoperability between chains while ensuring security, eliminating fragmentation and maximizing connectivity to achieve a weightless and open metaverse.

2) Background

Hack vc + animoca investment, total financing 35 million

3) How to participate

Testnet can participate + Galaxy Mission



Galxe quest:

4) Comprehensive evaluation

I suggest you take part in it. The popularity in China is low, but the popularity abroad is high. The project financing and background are both good.

It also integrates multiple market hot spots layer1 + modularization + ai


1) Project Introduction

Neura is an EVM-compatible blockchain built on CosmosSDK. Neura provides a solid infrastructure for artificial intelligence startups, providing developers with decentralized GPU resources, initial model issuance (IMO) fundraising, on-chain AI operations and other services.

2) Background

Developed by ankr, several projects in the ankr series are listed on Binance, very professional

3) How to participate

Fill out the form to apply for the test:

Galxe quest:

4) Comprehensive evaluation

Very good background, good popularity, and good relationship with Binance

There is no clear expectation for issuing a separate coin at present, but the token economic model is under construction.

Refer to avail, it is easier to make money by doing new projects with the help of existing project background


1) Project Introduction

Clore.AI is a platform that provides GPU computing power rental services based on POW. The party that provides computing power can get CLORE tokens as rewards; the better the performance of the server, the more rewards you get. The party that uses computing power can pay with CLORE, BTC or US dollars.

2) Background

No background, but the token release is good, and the team has strong delivery capabilities

3) How to participate

Direct GPU mining

Buying in the secondary market

4) Comprehensive evaluation

The background is definitely average, but the team's delivery capability is relatively good, and they have been doing this firmly and steadily.

Finally, I made a comprehensive rating of the project for your reference: