I believe many of you are tired after analyzing the market all day. Let me tell you a story to take a break.

I received a private message from a female reader a few days ago:

She said she had been a prostitute for 6 years and was planning to find a good man to marry. She had her own money, but she just needed a good man to stay at home and take care of her family.


To talk about these, I have to start from the beginning.

At the beginning, I thought that if I lived a peaceful life and made money, I didn’t know when I would be able to buy a house and a car in this city and live the life I wanted.

Then by chance, I came into contact with this industry, which opened the door to a new world for me.

That was the first time I experienced the generosity of rich people. They would casually give thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

As long as you look good and have a good figure, and can make them happy and satisfied, that's enough.

It was then that I realized that I could make so much money all of a sudden. It turned out that making money was not as difficult as I imagined. So why should I waste this opportunity?

I was a little hesitant at the beginning, but in the end I was defeated by money and happiness.

If I feel I have earned enough, I can stop playing if I don’t want to. Anyway, the initiative is in my hands.

I want to live a good life and live the life I want. Isn't that too much? Everyone makes money based on their own abilities. I don't steal or rob. There is no need for anyone to look down on anyone else.

And during the six years I worked as a call girl, I did have a pretty good time.

Because soon I had everything I wanted, including a house, a car, money and buns. At least I could hold my head up high in front of outsiders.

But to be honest, most people around me don’t know that I’m in this line of work. If those gossipy people were sure that I was doing this, I would be scolded to death by them.

But those boring gossiping old women or some idle men also doubt me.

On the surface, they all praised me for being a girl at such a young age and having things that many men don't have, and said that I was really capable, and asked me to raise their children.

But they talked about me behind my back, saying that I might be doing something improper or being kept by someone.

Otherwise, how could I, who wears heavy makeup all day long, dresses informally, speaks in a frivolous manner, and has a low level of education, possibly earn so much money?

I don’t care at all what others say about me. After all, these people don’t have as good a life as I do, so there’s no need for me to argue for myself.


Before, my criteria for choosing a partner were those rich second-generation wealthy people.

I would also think of ways to get to the top. If I really became a rich lady, I would never have to worry about anything in my life.

But I thought this was too simple. Those rich men may have fun, but when it comes to finding a wife, they are still very picky. They won't just accept any woman.

People like us who have the most fun playing with them will be the first ones to be passed by them without even a second thought.

Later, I thought about it carefully. I have been in this industry for so many years. What kind of hypocritical men have I not seen?

There are too many guys who go out to play without telling their girlfriends or even wives.

I don't want to marry a man who is too playful, because after meeting such a man, I know how terrible life is with him.

I have been working as a call girl for 6 years, so now I plan to find a good man to marry. A good man doesn’t have so many cunning tricks. I feel at ease following him, and it doesn’t matter whether we love each other or not.

After all, I have reached the age to get married. If I don’t get married now, I will miss the best childbearing age. It’s time for me to focus on my life.

I don't have too many requirements. He doesn't have to be very rich, but he can't be too poor either. Just about enough is fine.

The appearance doesn't have to be great, as long as it's not too ugly, I might consider it.

At that time, I thought that with my conditions, it would not be difficult for me to find an honest and good man to marry.

I am beautiful. As long as I put on makeup and go out, people will turn around to look at me. Although I am not very tall, I am 1.62 meters tall. Is that enough?

I also have some savings, a house and a car.

As long as I don't take the initiative to tell the other party about my past, many men will only think that they are not worthy of me, and will not think that I am not worthy of him.

Especially some honest and good men are even more stupid. As long as he likes you and recognizes you, he will really treat you well unconditionally and without principles. I am not saying this casually.

I have a sister who is just like me, but she has been doing it for a shorter time than me, and she is not as pretty as me, and her conditions in all aspects are not as good as mine.

But she still married well. She found an honest and good man who treated her very well.

The man was in pretty good condition, and most importantly, he was loyal to her and would try his best to satisfy her whatever she wanted, and he spoiled her to the sky.

Every time I see her I feel very envious. Now she has everything she should have.

Of course, she never told him about her past, so he naturally had no way of knowing. He only knew that his wife was a very good and excellent woman, an outstanding and independent woman.

As long as you create a good character for yourself in the early stage and hide your past, there will be no shortage of good men.


But the reality is far from what I thought.

I met some great men through various means.

At the beginning, I also tried hard to create myself, and I also gave myself extra points because of my good looks. After all, men are visual animals. If they think someone is good-looking at first sight, the impression is very deep, and they will want to continue.

After spending some time together, some people can't accept me lighting mosquito coils
Some of them have been discussed formally, but there are still many problems.

Having been in this industry for so many years, some bad habits will naturally be brought in, and smarter men will more or less feel that something is wrong.

If you dig a little deeper, it's easy to find the problem.

Some of them are so good that they can even get information out of me, and I can't resist and tell them everything. I don't know whether they are too good or I am too stupid.

It was only at this moment that I realized that a good man ≠ a stupid man.

From the day I chose to work as a peripheral worker, there are many things that I can no longer choose or decide.

A good man is so good, why doesn't he marry a good woman instead of a woman like me? He is not stupid!

If I really can't find the kind of good man I want, I can just find someone a little less handsome. There's nothing I can do about it.

Later, my sister's husband somehow found out what she had done before.

Instead of making a fuss with her, he divorced her quickly.

She came to see me on the day we got divorced. We drank a lot of wine and smoked a lot of cigarettes. I don’t know how we got through that day.

I just remember her saying to me:

She really loves her husband and children now, and she wants to forget the past and live a good life, but why doesn't God give her a chance? Does God have to take away her happiness?

Was it her punishment to let her have a taste of happiness and then have it snatched away from her?

At that moment, I didn't know what to say.

Maybe, this is the price to pay, you will suffer the consequences if you do evil.