《Additional Supplement to the Meme Value Investment School》

I talked about the 4 logics of Meme value investment two days ago. Let me continue to add.

Logic 5: User flow will bring capital flow.

A chain, with the support of external forces, will bring a large number of users.

For example, tg with 900 million users, supports ton;

coinbase with 100 million users, supports base.

When the number of users increases by 100 times, the funds will also increase in proportion.

Logic 6: When funds flow in, meme can outperform the mother coin of the chain

A lot of fools are going to enter the crypto market, what will they buy? Memes like cats and dogs.

A fool accidentally bought a big cake and made money, and wanted to bet on something else? What can he bet on? Memes like cats and dogs.

Can fools understand the poh of move chain and sol chain? They can't understand. They can only play cats and dogs.

Fools are also particularly prone to fomo, which makes meme a more intense Nubel commodity than the mother coin during the rising stage.

Logic 7: The funds for meme come from fools

You buy meme by yourself in order to sell it to 10 fools at a high price when they fight for it in the future.

When betting on meme, be sure to think clearly about where the 10 fools behind are.

And the violent bull market is when there are the most fools.

Logic 8: Leverage can enhance the capital conversion power of meme

Pepe is awesome, and Brett, as Pepe's friend, borrowed Pepe's momentum;

Doge borrowed Musk's momentum.

This kind of leverage can be IP, celebrities, Internet memes or existing memes

In short, fools will not buy xx meme for no reason, they will only buy concepts they are familiar with, or things they are forced to see every day.

Fools will say: Damn, Brett is not Pepe's friend, it's so strong, buy it!


Do you think the above logic is very simple?

Indeed. The effective logic in the world is very simple. It gives people a feeling of being just so-so.

But if you try to understand it yourself, there are thousands of different paths.

If you feel helpless, confused, and unclear about the direction of trading, you can come to my village and click on the strategy avatar Kanjianjie. You can be a real player.

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