The correct approach to copycat narratives is to maintain a smooth and vivid narrative while conveying a clear message that is easy for readers to understand and resonate with.

At present, WLD plans to launch the L2 concept in the next two months, which is very exciting. We are looking forward to how the market will react after WLD successfully launches the L2 concept.

In addition, the fan token CHZ is about to usher in the Champions League, which may start early hype in June. We are full of expectations for the performance of CHZ this month.

However, if these two tokens fail to show the expected growth in May, or even after WLD successfully implements the L2 concept, we are better off waiting and not changing positions in a hurry. Because making changes before these events have not yet occurred often leads to the result of "buying does not rise, selling all flies".

At present, the market may be a bit dull, which makes people impatient and trade frequently. But we hope that everyone can hold their assets patiently and wait for Ethereum and Bitcoin to break new highs again before considering whether to sell.

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