Since the market has been in its current state since yesterday, as I told you, if conditions worsen, the 60 or 61 thousand areas can be returned or start from these areas. This is the easiest form of the current situation.

Let me share with you my favorite currencies

The most popular storage coins on the market #fil and a small-capitalization storage coin DiGibyte

Network Service Currencies You have selected DYDX, VET, and DOT

Artificial intelligence currency $GRT

Meme coins $DOGE and small-cap Baby Doge

Ethereum service currency $ARB

Web3 Currency #icp

Metaverse coin #sand

The currency has its own blockchain, and social games and artificial intelligence can use its own token for micropayments called ONE.

If you have any questions about any currency to analyze, you can write it in comments, and I will give you the result of what the project is and what its evaluation is in the market, all of that in a comment.

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