Early morning password

The current exchange rate has not been able to break the shock pattern. In the short term, it has been under pressure below the moving average. It is a very obvious shock repair. We can see that the support of the 63,000 line below is very strong. The exchange rate rebounded quickly after the retracement. Although it is currently in a shock operation, the multiple downward movements have not given a physical breakthrough, and there is also a certain rebound space in the future. During the day, we successfully won three waves around the 63,000-64,000 line with high altitude and low duo.

In the short cycle, the short-term pressure is 65,500, and the support below is 63,000. Both long and short positions lack a certain continuity. Although the space above is relatively sufficient, considering the current long and short tug-of-war, the short-term is still treated as a range of shocks. If it breaks, follow the trend.

Operation suggestions

Big cake around 63300-63000, multiple targets are 65500

Auntie around 3350-3040, multiple targets are 3130#ETH #BTC #