First, let's take a look at an article in which the blogger was exposed by his own members. After collecting sky-high membership fees from members, all the strategies and orders in Binance Square articles and his paid group suffered losses. Moreover, the member had just joined the membership group for two days and saw that all the orders had suffered losses. When he asked for a refund, he directly refused and maliciously slandered us. Before the full text begins, let's first take a look at a set of our comparison data‼ ️You may not know that articles sent out by Binance can be modified, so Yan Chi previously spread rumors that our analysis of the market articles were too accurate and slandered us for changing the article time‼ ️Look at this set of comparison pictures. This is an article I randomly selected from my articles. You can see that if the article is modified, a modification sign will appear next to the sending time of the article‼ ️As shown in the figure below, if the article is modified, a modification symbol will appear next to the publishing time, and the publishing time will be automatically corrected to the latest modified time

Because I always take time out to post articles during the trading process, sometimes I will correct typos if I type too fast. For example, in the previous picture, I added some language, but I only modify non-market analysis articles. For example, I will modify these articles when showing profits and interacting with fans. But I know that there will be villains who deliberately discredit me for modifying market analysis articles, so all my market analysis articles will never be modified even if I find typos. You can go and see all my articles that analyze the market and give points and open orders. All of them have not been modified. The time points of the icons are all released before the market comes out‼ ️And all of them are more than a few days ahead of the market‼ ️Then let's take a look at our masterpiece from ETH's 4086 short all the way to 2888 and then go long, that is, BTC's public shorting from the highest point of 74,000 to the reverse long at 59,000. In this wave of market analysis articles, I have been very careful to prevent villains from spreading rumors, and there has never been any modification mark. All market predictions are publicly issued in advance‼ ️And I am not the kind of blogger who calls for shorting from 60,000 to 74,000. Before the crash, we publicly posted that we were long, and publicly went long from ETH's 3,500 to 4,000, and then publicly shorted from 4,086 to the lowest point of 2,888.

This is the video screen recording of our public short selling from 4086 to 2888

This is our article about the public call for long positions from 3500 to 4000

This is the long order we made before the big crash, and then we turned from a bull in the bull market to a short that successfully escaped the top at the highest point. This is the amazing part‼ ️, in the first picture below, you can go and see the trend chart on March 13th. When the market was at its highest point, we publicly shouted that the moment of strangulation of the bulls was coming‼ ️ and accurately predicted the intentions of the dog dealers behind it. The article not only tells everyone that there will be a decline, but also that the specific trend of the decline is divided into 3 to 4 waves of decline, and the gradient of layer by layer lures the bulls to enter the market and then harvest. It is clearly stated, and in the second picture below, this analysis was repeated on March 14 and 15 before the official big drop began‼ ️I would like to ask, if he is not an old trader and old trader with the ability to accurately analyze the market, he will at most mention the decline in one article, and our articles from the highest point of the bull market onwards are all repeating this point of view‼ ️Not only did we correctly predict all the individual articles, but all our articles read together for the entire two months showed that all the logic and viewpoints on market predictions were completely consistent‼ ️So this Yan Chi was jealous of us because he let his fans go long at the top, while we were openly calling for shorting, so he felt that he couldn't save face, and then he began to maliciously discredit us for predicting that the top shorting was a fake P-picture. Just think about how narrow-minded and vicious this person is. Blogger Yan Chi, you yourself went long on Bitcoin at 69,000 and got liquidated once, and then you went long again and got liquidated in the process of Bitcoin hitting 74,000 and then falling to 68,000. Why don't you reflect on the problem of your own poor skills and bragging all day, but instead turn your spearhead to me to discredit me, saying that the article about our successful escape from the top and shorting is fake, is it true that all articles that are more accurate than yours are fake⁉️If you don't have the ability, you can learn instead of discrediting people who are more capable than you. This is the foundation of being a human being‼ ️Moreover, all the analytical suggestions and points given in this person’s articles are wrong. In just two months of the bull market, his contracts were liquidated 4 times‼ ️So all the copycats recommended to fans were trapped at high levels‼ ️May I ask this fraudulent blogger who harvests fans’ membership fees, why don’t you reflect on yourself, and turn around to discredit us?Everyone understands your intentions. First, you want to discredit us by making fake articles and analyses that show that we successfully escaped the top and made tens of millions of dollars, so that your four public long positions being liquidated are not so rubbish. Second, you want to change the subject and divert the anger of you and your fans’ liquidation from us‼ ️Your intentions are so vicious and mean, it’s disgusting‼ ️

This is the proof of our articles when the smear campaign started. This is the prediction and analysis we continued to issue publicly after the smear campaign started. All of them are accurate to the single digit and with specific directions.

Although we do all the orders in our own member group, in fact, all the orders are also publicly released in Binance Square. The member group only has more orders and more timely guidance than the square, but all the orders are publicly sent in Binance Square. My tens of thousands of fans and tens of thousands of eyes are all watching, all with the posting time and the point accuracy to the single digit

Next, let’s take a look at the orders he gave to his fans. In the 3 months of the Bitcoin bull market, all the contracts were liquidated against the general trend. He let others buy the spot at the highest point of the bull market and all were trapped at the highest level. His explanation was that it was normal to be trapped 🤣 In fact, it is normal to have a floating loss after buying the spot and then falling a little, but he changed the concept. He bought all the spot at the highest point of the bull market, and all the spots were like this for two consecutive months‼ ️The contracts all exploded and the spots were all bought at the highest point and cut in half. Is this normal?

I never had a problem with him before, nor did I really dig deeper into him. I explained to him that he was blackmailing me, but I didn’t expect that a quick check would reveal that he was completely liquidated and deeply trapped, and had no trading ability. He was still defrauding fans of 6 BNB membership fees. I will continue to update you with more credentials and evidence in the future‼ ️#灰度撤回以太坊期货etf申请 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件