The unity of knowledge and action is result-oriented

Trading is not difficult at all. There are only two reasons why you think it is difficult. One is that the expectation is too high, and the other is the pressure of funds.

The former will make you dissatisfied with those small wins, and the latter will make you unable to tolerate any losses. However, the two are contradictory. No losses mean that you will not have the opportunity to make considerable profits, and being dissatisfied with small wins means that you will inevitably trade frequently and hold heavy positions.

In fact, trading is ultimately a matter of choice. You must know that there is no perfect thing in this world. You will always encounter problems beyond your ability, and you will often face choices and trade-offs, especially when you are still in the process of forming your own trading system.

For me personally, when the market has not yet left the dangerous area that may hurt the principal, I will always put risk control first and potential profit space second. So when the market requires me to reduce my position or stop trading, I will do it without hesitation, and this is exactly the trading view I have formed over the years.

Every trade-off in trading actually comes from our level of understanding of the market, so if you can't jump out of your current state, you can't understand many things anyway.

I believe that many traders have come into contact with some golden ideas in some opportunities in the past, but because they couldn't understand them at the time, they regarded them as stones in the pit. For those traders who always feel that they can't achieve unity of knowledge and action, there is a very important concept that you must understand, that is, unity of knowledge and action is result-oriented. The clearer your results are, the smoother you will be in the process of walking.

Let me give you an example. For example, if someone tells you that as long as you are willing to walk 100 kilometers, you will be given 1 million yuan, and it will be paid in advance. If you fail, you need to return it. Then, based on this condition, you will definitely walk these 100 kilometers, because the conditions given by the other party are what you need, so on this way you will easily and naturally overcome difficulties such as fatigue, laziness, etc.

So judging from this transaction, you are undoubtedly in harmony with your knowledge and actions.

But if the other party proposes that you may be paid 1 million yuan after walking 100 kilometers, will you still walk? Even if you start walking, will you give up the transaction due to fatigue or other factors on the way? Will you think that if you finish the walk but the other party does not give you 100,000 yuan, then you have walked in vain?

So at this moment, you should understand that you cannot achieve harmony between knowledge and actions. The main obstacle is that you do not have enough knowledge of the market, yourself, and the transaction, and your behavior is not supported by the results.

If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in the transaction at the moment, you can come to my village to have a look. The strategy is to click the avatar Kan Jianjie, and the conditions are real players.

And if you want to get the support of the results, you must make a lot of statistics, but this can only get a high probability result. Of course, for a chaotic system like the market, this is enough. In other words, the longer you count, the clearer your results will be, and the more you will understand how to make choices.

Finally, I would like to give you a few words. The essence of the market is actually the objective fluctuation caused by the game of funds. The essence of trading is actually the interaction between oneself and the former, and the essence of profit is that one's behavior fits this fluctuation.

I wish you a calm trading!

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