Every day we see hundreds of investors who dream of getting rich with contributions of U$ 10, U$ 100 in tokens like PEPE, NGO and, believe me, even in BTC, but will such a dream really become reality, especially with such paltry investments? ?

I believe you already know the answer.

Whenever we read about someone who became a millionaire overnight with a small investment, we can see that the person went to the trash can and bought something that most people don't even look at, and left it stored in their wallet until the big day arrives. .

Remember that popular tokens are meant to guarantee good income for those who invest a lot and those who don't have a lot of money can earn 10%, 20%, 30% on what they invested, which unfortunately won't be enough to become a millionaire.

But if the desire to get rich persists, every now and then forget to buy that ice cream and instead buy memecoins that are in the trash, because if you lose, you will lose an ice cream, but if you are lucky, the ice cream could be the beginning of a life so desired.

This suggestion is for those who see investment as if it were a game of roulette, which it is not, but may appear to be. If you want to play, and not invest, here is my contribution so that you have a greater chance of success.

Oh, and if you get rich, don't forget to give me gifts. 😄