I am trader Happy. In the complex and ever-changing market situation, I am a keen observer who can see business opportunities.

#ONDO 🚀🚀🚀ONDO Today's Trading Guide🚀🚀🚀

📣📣📣Current Market Overview

1-hour level: sideways market, the market has no clear direction.

2-hour level: also sideways, waiting for a breakthrough signal.

4-hour level: the callback market is obvious, and the bullish forces are accumulating. 🔥🔥🔥🐍qu1n ➕唯 ZBZ188 🔥🔥 🔥

Key price analysis

4-hour long and short price: the current focus is on the price around 0.8435. If ONDO can stand firm at this price, the market will turn to the bulls, with the upper target at 0.8522, 0.8677, and until around 0.8787.

Trading strategy

Long-term strategy: If ONDO successfully stands at 0.8435, you can consider going long in moderation, with the target gradually moving up to around 0.8522, 0.8677 and 0.8787.

Short-term strategy: If ONDO fails to stand above the 2-hour long-short price, the market may pull back. At this time, the target level below is around 0.8282, 0.8168 and 0.8051. Please pay close attention to market dynamics and adjust your trading strategy in a timely manner.

Risk warning

Contract trading is risky, so please be cautious. While pursuing profits, please pay attention to risk management. It is recommended to ensure defense first, and then seek profit opportunities.


The market is currently in a sideways and correction state, and traders need to pay close attention to the movement near the key price of 0.8435. In operation, please remain rational, follow risk management principles, and ensure trading safety.

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