Urgent Market Notice🚨🔥

#BNB Real-time analysis of BNB market:

In the short term (1-2 hours), the market is showing a trend of short order consolidation.

In the 4-hour time frame, the market is experiencing a correction trend. Please pay close attention to the 4-hour long and short key price: near 590.44. 🔥🔥🔥Find the author Cfst888

If the price is firmly supported, the correction will come to an end. At that time, you can consider executing a long order strategy within the 4-hour level. The upper target prices are: 592.74, 595.19, and 597.46.

If the correction fails to rise above the 4-hour long and short prices, it may indicate a further downward trend, with the lower target prices: 588.99 and 586.25.

Traders, please remember that risk management is always the top priority in financial market transactions. It is recommended to ensure the defensive strategy first, and then seek profit opportunities. I wish you all a smooth transaction!

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