A quick overview of popular coins in 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Coin price fluctuations]

1. [Contracts] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#POWR +5.43% #JTO +3.68% #RNDR +1.79% ;#REZ -6.93% #WIF -6.43% ENA -4.69%

2. [Spot] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

POWR +5.57% JTO +3.63% RNDR +1.79% ;OAX -9.17% REZ -6.99% WIF -6.54%

[Important information]

1. Boshi Fund currently holds 6784 ETH

2. SlowMist Chief Information Security Officer: Beware of the risk of Telegram accounts being taken over by malicious phishing links on Telegram

3. Vitalik: Plasma can prevent double withdrawals of any assets in a self-consistent way

4. The total net asset value of the US Bitcoin spot ETF is US$52.234 billion

5. a16z investor: Web3 game monthly active users have exceeded 3.3 million

6. Curvance testnet Partner Role Phase is online

7. Kronos Research attacker transferred 200 ETH to Tornado Cash

8. B-Securities completes dYdX (DYDX) mainnet integration

9. Cryptocurrency trading platform Revolut X is open to professional crypto traders

10. B-Securities report: The total market value of cryptocurrencies fell by 11.3% in April, and the total supply of US dollar stablecoins reached a two-year high

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