Project Introduction⏰

#Liquity is a decentralized lending protocol that allows users to borrow in a stablecoin called LUSD (pegged to the US dollar), collateralized by Ethereum.

At the same time, it also introduced a fully redeemable stablecoin$LQTY The protocol was designed by Robert Lauko to provide a more capital-efficient and lower-risk alternative to existing systems like MakerDAO.

Unlike traditional systems that require large amounts of over-collateralization to issue stablecoins, Liquity is able to instantly liquidate risky loans and uses a unique redemption mechanism that minimizes management needs, thereby reducing collateral requirements.

This makes Liquity an attractive option for borrowers looking for efficient ways to leverage their Ethereum assets. Key use cases include opening positions (borrowing LUSD against ETH), providing LUSD to stablecoin pools in exchange for yield and LQTY, staking LQTY to earn fees, and redeeming ETH using LUSD.

Project advantages/disadvantages

Liquity has significant competitive advantages in the decentralized stablecoin space, but it also faces some challenges and competitive disadvantages. The advantages include complete decentralization, excellent mechanism design and market testing, while the disadvantages are mainly concentrated in the lack of governance mechanism restrictions, fee structure, and insufficient future incentives.

Core Mechanics

The Liquity Protocol provides an innovative stablecoin solution in the decentralized finance (#DeFi) space through its unique design. Three key mechanisms - price stability, liquidation, and supply control - work together to maintain the stability and efficiency of the system.

Price stabilization mechanism: Keep the value of LUSD pegged at 1:1 with the U.S. dollar. Users can mint LUSD at 1 USD with ETH collateral at any time, or redeem ETH at 1 USD with LUSD. This mechanism creates a hard price anchor and forms a strong price stabilization feedback loop through a two-way price adjustment mechanism.

Liquidation Mechanism: Designed to protect the system from the threat of excessive debt and ensure repayment of debt. When a borrower's collateral ratio falls below the minimum (110%), their position will be considered excessive debt and trigger liquidation. Liquity uses an instant liquidation process that does not require traditional auctions and ensures the robustness of the system through a debt redistribution mechanism.

Supply control mechanism: Regulate the total supply of LUSD to keep its price stable. This is mainly achieved by adjusting the minting fee and redemption fee, which are dynamically adjusted according to market conditions and the frequency of redemption activities.

$LQTY Highlights

LQTY is the stablecoin of the Liquity protocol, minted when borrowers deposit collateral. Its efficiency is due to Liquity’s innovative liquidation process and redemption mechanism, which ensures$LQTY Promotes stability without governance intervention. Key features include distribution and rewards, value capture mechanisms, risks and benefits, and governance functions.

The following are the main features of LQTY and its impact on users and the entire Liquity system:

Distribution and Rewards:

The total supply of LQTY is 100 million, and these tokens are mainly distributed to users participating in the Liquity protocol through a variety of methods.

The main distribution method is through the stability pool reward. Users deposit LUSD into the stability pool to help the protocol manage the liquidation process, and in return, they will receive LQTY tokens.

At the same time, users who provide ETH/LUSD liquidity can also receive LQTY rewards.

Value capture mechanism:

LQTY’s value derives from its ability to capture a portion of the revenue from the Liquity protocol.

When a user opens a lending position or performs a LUSD redemption operation, he or she needs to pay a certain fee, part of which will be distributed to LQTY holders.
This means that LQTY token holders can directly benefit from the operation of the protocol.

Risks and benefits:

One of the main risks facing LQTY holders is volatility in market value.
The market price of LQTY is affected by factors such as protocol usage, ETH price, and the overall trend of the DeFi market.
However, by participating in the protocol’s governance, stability pools, and liquidity provision, users can actively influence the value of LQTY.

Governance functions:

While LQTY itself has no direct governance rights, it is a key component in the Liquity protocol ecosystem and represents recognition of contributions to the protocol.
The holding and distribution of LQTY reflects the user's contribution to the stability and liquidity of the protocol.

Chicken Bonds launched by Liquity provides an innovative mechanism to incentivize the protocol to have liquidity. This mechanism provides users with the potential to earn more than ordinary LUSD through a complex and sophisticated design, and increases the attractiveness of the Liquity protocol. However, it also has certain competitive disadvantages, and its sustainability and impact on early participants need to be continuously observed and evaluated.

Business track

Liquity belongs to the stablecoin - decentralized stablecoin track. Stablecoins have become one of the tracks with the most network effects in the DeFi field, playing an important role in market development and investment activities. The market size of stablecoins continues to grow, and their position as the basic settlement currency of cryptocurrencies is becoming more and more solid.

Personal opinions and conclusions:

Liquity has established a strong competitive position in the decentralized stablecoin space through its innovation and market potential.
In the future, with the team's continuous efforts and the adjustment of market strategies, Liquity is expected to continue to expand its business scope and market influence, bringing more value and possibilities to the field of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance.