More than 10 years ago, I was also a "licker", and I was moved to tears...

Recently, a 21-year-old game power leveling man named Fat Cat was coaxed out of 510,000 yuan by a beautiful woman, and then jumped into the river after breaking up. Many people are talking about it. Brother Ming doesn't want to take advantage of the popularity of this matter. However, it also makes me full of memories and sad from the heart.

That year, it was already the second semester of my junior year. I was never short of beauties and friends of the opposite sex around me, but I never thought about confirming a relationship with anyone. There were even two semesters when my beauties called me every morning to wake me up. Sometimes when it was time for dinner, I didn't want to go downstairs, so I sent her downstairs to the dormitory. I think this kind of relationship is better than a relationship in love, until she appeared.

I knew her when I was a freshman. When I was in an Internet cafe, I saw her number with the corner of my eye, and then we chatted. There was no more. The campus is so big, sometimes I would say hello when I met her. She fell in love, broke up, I don't know what was wrong with me, I actually had a damn desire to protect her, and then it was a bad fate.

I don't know why, but she gets angry inexplicably. It seems that there is never a lack of men around her. I seem to like this more. However, she doesn't need me to give her anything. Maybe it's because of the repulsion between the same sex. We are both Virgos, and our birthdays are only one day apart. I miss each other when we are not together, and we like to quarrel when we are together. This entangled for a year, exhausted both physically and mentally. I don't know whether we are too perfect or because of other factors. Anyway, I don't know why we broke up in the end, and there will never be an answer. It's not hatred, nor love, it's just a detour in life.

I hope to treat her well and run towards the idea of ​​getting married. I am the kind of wholehearted one. Even if we are sleeping in bed, I still don't have that kind of evil thoughts. I don't know if you have had the same experience. It may be a joke to say it, but maybe it is a joke. We don't know what the other person wants. Maybe I am not a "licking dog", but a perfectionist who moved myself to tears.

A person really shouldn't be too responsible, otherwise you will be very tired. Only those who love themselves can love others. Don't be a "licking dog", some things should be stopped in time.After so many years, I have already let it go. It's a pity for this young man. If someone can enlighten him, his life will just begin.

Money is not a problem. 510,000 yuan is not much, not enough to buy a better car. Life is worth a thousand gold. Choosing to do extreme things for a woman who doesn't love you is a relatively irrational behavior. People say that men are fickle, but the reality is just the opposite. Men are the ones who never leave and never give up, and depend on each other for life and death. Whether a family can be stable also depends to a large extent on the tolerance of men...