The market closed on the daily line! The intraday market deduction is out!

Long order ideas:

1. Go long when it rises to 63973u and stabilizes, and the stop loss price is set at 62655u. The long order target price will first look at 65052u and then 65973u.

2. Go long when it falls to 62130u without breaking it, and the stop loss price is set at 60945u. The long order target price is the same as above.

The daily line is still on the long side, so the overall idea is mainly long orders. I have never advocated that you go against the trend. The risk is too high and it is difficult to grasp. These two deductions are also combined with the opinions of fans, and the expressions have been changed and adjusted. Now it should be better understood and clearer. After reading my deduction, you can not believe it, you can not do it, you can wait and see, but I really don’t want you to go against the trend, but I believe that you will find that I am right if you observe slowly.

The 62130u mentioned in the strategy is a long-short frame at the daily level. Once it falls and stabilizes, it means that the daily level enters the short position. Therefore, you should be more cautious when implementing the second strategy and always pay attention to market changes.

At the same time, I would like to remind friends who have heavy positions in Shanzhai that when the market rises, Shanzhai cannot keep up with many, and once it falls, Shanzhai will collapse across the board. So when the daily level falls below the long-short frame and enters the short side, do not hesitate when it is time to reduce the spot position.

The recent market fluctuations are large, and the daily level fluctuates widely. Remember to come back and take a look when you are confused. I will give you the most objective and true intraday market deduction!

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