Trading mentality and trading methods, which is more important? This is like asking a chef whether the pot or the seasoning is more important when cooking. Trading mentality and methods are like the pot and seasoning when cooking, neither of which can be missing. First, let's talk about trading mentality.

Trading mentality is like the mentality of a chef. A nervous chef who is worried about gains and losses will definitely not be able to make delicious dishes. Similarly, a trader who does not have a good trading mentality will often make wrong decisions in the face of market fluctuations. Trading mentality also includes the attitude towards failure.

Failure is the mother of success. There is no success without failure. Only those who dare to face failure and learn lessons from failure can go further and further on the road of trading. Let's talk about trading methods. This is like the way a chef cooks. Without a good method, it is difficult to make delicious dishes even if the mentality is good.

In trading, a good trading method can help you find the right opportunities, assess risks, and make the right decisions. Moreover, a good trading method can keep you calm in market fluctuations and not make wrong decisions because of a momentary impulse. Therefore, trading mentality and trading methods are important, just like a chef's pot and seasoning.

Only with a good mentality and a suitable method can you succeed in the trading market. This is what I want to tell you. Don't ignore any aspect, and pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of mentality and methods at the same time. Only in this way can you go further on the road of trading#BTC #ETH