The difference between BTTC and FiL

BTFS and IPFS are both technologies about decentralized storage, but they are still somewhat different in some aspects.

First of all, BTFS (BitTorrent File System) is both a protocol and a network application. It provides a content-addressable peer-to-peer mechanism that allows us to store and share digital content in a decentralized file system. At the same time, BTFS also provides a basic platform for decentralized applications (Dapp), which is super powerful! Moreover, BTFS combines a variety of technologies, including encryption algorithms, distributed hash tables, Git version control, BitTorrent transmission protocol, etc., and also joins a lot of original technologies from the engineering team of TRON. Therefore, when using BTFS, we don’t need to build nodes ourselves, just use TronGrid~

IPFS (Interplanetary File System) is a network transmission protocol that aims to create a persistent and distributed network for storing and sharing files. It is also a content-addressable peer-to-peer hypermedia distribution protocol. Nodes in the IPFS network will form a distributed file system. However, when using IPFS, we need to manually build our own nodes, and there is no service to ensure that the nodes are online and deliver any requested files with minimal delay.

In general, BTFS and IPFS have their own characteristics and advantages in decentralized storage. Which one to choose depends on your specific needs and scenarios~